Charitable giving goes international
Posted in: About Valley Northern 2nd October 2017
Staffordshire-based healthcare and pharmacy products supplier, Valley Northern, has extended its charitable giving by donating over 30,000 pairs of medical grade gloves to Alex’s Medial and Educational Clinic in Africa (AMECA), a medical and educational clinic provider across sub-Saharan Africa. The donation will help increase sanitisation and infection preventative measures at the charity’s clinics.
The donation takes Valley Northern’s support of local and national charitable organisations to an international level, as the gloves will help healthcare workers supporting AMECA in Malawi with medical grade protection.
“AMECA has just completed and opened a primary healthcare clinic in addition to bringing mains power and fresh water to the area,” Ruth Markus, CEO and founder of the AMECA Trust said. “We recently had our first emergency delivery at the clinic so the next stage will be to provide a maternity unit on the site, which is badly needed.
“Sadly, the local department of health, which is running the facility, suffers from shortages of consumables on a regular basis, so this donation of gloves will really support our ongoing efforts to provide vital healthcare services to the community.”
Over 65 per cent of the population lives below the poverty line in Malawi and there are only two healthcare physicians for every 100,000 people. Having access to sanitation and safe water is a considerable problem across rural communities, meaning water-related diseases, including cholera and typhoid, are common.
“We support a number of charities and make regular donations,” said Oliver Pittock, managing director at Valley Northern. “Supporting AMECA with a donation of protective equipment, like gloves, helps prevent the transfer of disease and infection through blood and bodily fluids.”
Valley Northern provides a wide range of healthcare and medical supply products across the pharmaceutical and medical industry throughout the UK, and passionately delivers its ethos of hassle free service for its customers.
For more information on the work AMECA is doing in sub-Saharan Africa, please visit For more details about the products and services Valley Northern provide across the UK, visit or call +44(0)1785 250123.