Sustainability: where have we come so far?
Posted in: Helping Harry's Planet 20th January 2022
In our Snapshot of 2021 & Predicted Trends for 2022 we referred to 3 key topics which have meant many companies and citizens like you and me all over the globe are now making 'greener' choices more than ever before.
As an ISO 14001 certified company for over 15 years now, we’re always interested in ways we can improve our environmental performance through more efficient use of resources and reduction of waste. And with the New Year, we’ve made it our mission to boost our focus even more on sustainability by continuing to research alternatives to short life and single use virgin plastic products we offer and reviewing our processes to see where we can reduce our carbon emissions.
Meanwhile, we thought it helpful to reflect on the Steps to Sustainability we have taken so far and all the ‘going greener’ projects we’ve been involved in to date.
We’ve worked towards reducing our carbon footprint so far by focussing on 4 simple activities: Refusing, Reducing, Reusing and Recycling.

Our mind-set
Refuse to offer unnecessary plastic packaging as the sole option. Being in the healthcare industry, we understand that (until an appropriate substitute is discovered) this isn’t always possible and that some pharmaceutical packaging currently requires the use of plastic to keep contents safe and hygienic as well as meeting certain specifications and criteria. However, where plastic packaging is not necessary, we will help customers choose more environmentally friendly alternatives from our product range.
Where we’ve come so far?
Products & consumers
To date we have made some significant progress in sourcing sustainable alternatives to plastic packaging, including the recent launch of our ProPac® Paper Grip Seal Bags as a substitute to using plastic resealable bags for medicines. We also have many other new product launches on the cards which contribute to our commitment to become more sustainable. Look out for these here!
Some of our clients have introduced a ‘no plastic’ policy or a policy of recycling and reusing carrier bags to minimise landfill waste, which thereby helps reduce environmental pollution. Following this demand, we developed a whole range of recyclable, compostable and biodegradable printed carrier bags, so that our customers have the choice of switching over to using the more environmentally friendly paper or starch based options.
Our mind-set
Reduce our use of all raw materials where possible, either by more innovative design or using recycled materials to reduce the amount of ‘new’ packaging across our product range.
Where we’ve come so far?
Products & consumers
We’ve sourced a range of more sustainable Tablet Trays and Sharps Bins that now contain 50% less plastic. One of our latest innovations is our range of Infinity Clinical Waste containers – the bases are manufactured from 100% recycled Post-Consumer Resin (PCR).
Over the last 4 years, our Purchasing team has also worked tirelessly to redirect our supply bases from Asia, to Europe and the UK, in order to reduce the environmental impact involved in getting supplies delivered to us. The results of this effort currently sees 98% of our key suppliers based in the UK or Europe - which goes a long way to reducing carbon footprint!
Office & Warehouse
Over the last 2 years we have saved circa 285 kilos of paper by e-mailing out 99.9% of all statements and invoices to customers, rather than sending via post.
We invited four independent specialist companies to review our entire lighting and energy consumption and to identify and quote for installing a more environmentally friendly energy source solution. We were referred to LCBEP (Low Carbon Business Evolution Programme) through the Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Business Helpline and the LCBEP team contacted us to discuss opportunities. Specialist low carbon consultant Environmental Solutions through partnership (ESP) visited us to undertake an LCBEP energy review that looked at all aspects of the business; existing EMS, vehicles and transportation, buildings, insulation and glazing, heating, cooling and lighting.
Our existing lighting system consisted of a mixture of high energy consumption fittings and our premises were heated by an old gas boiler and radiators in the office areas and two freestanding gas-fired warm air blowers and industrial air tubes in the warehouse. The firm calculated that the potential for energy savings through updating lighting and heating was equivalent to saving around 13.7 tonnes CO2. A no-brainer for us!
As a direct result of this project, we have undertaken substantial works at our Head Office location to replace all of our previous high energy consumption lighting with modern, state of the art LED lighting in both our offices and our warehouse.
In November 2020 we explored the option of running our site on solar power. However, after much research we found that the cost of installing solar panels compared to the amount of energy we use at our site meant that we wouldn’t see a return on this investment for at least 10 years.
We have also since had our drains and carpark cleaned and any oil based pollutants extracted by a specialist contractor, who removed the waste to an offsite specialist waste facility.

Reuse / Repurpose
Our mind-set
By purchasing products that use recycled paper or plastic as an alternative to virgin materials, we will reuse waste that otherwise ends up in landfill. Using materials that can be repurposed, recycled or composted will have a more positive impact on future generations and the planet.
Where we’ve come so far?
Products & consumers
We have worked hard to ensure that we expand our range of sustainable packaging products and we’re pleased to say that over the last 6 months, 95% of the plastic carrier bags we have sold contained at least 30% recycled content and we’re actively working to increase this figure.
Our Procurement team has a documented supplier approval process now including sustainable questions to help us make the right purchasing choices.
Our supplier of plastic carriers imports over 5.5 tonnes of plastic waste per annum, which would otherwise go to landfill, recycling it themselves and using in the manufacture of our ProPac® carrier bags.
Office & Warehouse
While we reuse pallets that are in a good condition, back in 2014 our creative culture and commitment to the environment led to our Operations team flagging up the wastage of used and damaged wooden pallets. A member of staff set off to find a sustainable solution to the disposal of these pallets and wherever possible we are now sending the pallets for recycling into woodchips for biofuel - promoting recycling and re-usability and reducing unnecessary wastage!

Our mind-set
Offer an extensive range of recycled packaging for as many items as we can. This will mean our customers will have more options to be able to make sustainable choices.
Where we’ve come so far?
Products & consumers
Switching from virgin plastic to a product that contains recycled materials is a current project we are working on, especially so due to the new Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) that’s coming into force in April 2022. Learn more about PPT in our Snapshot of 2021 & Predicted Trends for 2022.
Office & Warehouse
As an ISO 14001 registered firm, we recycle all of our cardboard waste, rather than disposing through landfill. We have a number of large bins in which the cardboard waste is collected, and later a reputable waste and recycling company collects and empties these bins on a regular basis to take the waste to our local recycling plant.
The bubble wrap we use for packing and despatching customer orders is 100% recyclable and our choice of pallet wrap contains 40% less plastic than conventional pallet wrap.
To help our customers make more sustainable buying choices, we have added some new filters to our website packaging pages so users can now refine page views to show those which contain post-consumer material or paper. Along with this you will find a handy icon detailing the specificed amount of recycled content in that product. You can also view all our latest sustainable alternative products in one place here in our "Kinder to our planet" collection.