Wear It. Beat It.
Posted in: About Valley Northern 8th February 2016
Friday 5th February was "Wear It. Beat It." day - a National Event held in support of the British Heart Foundation. To show your support for BHF you wear red. We were certainly reddy to support and put red every-wear!
The day was notably more colourful with so much red clothing around, not to mention the balloons and bunting!
Our BHF donation boxes jangled inside as staff showed their support in more ways than one!
When you raise money for the British Heart Foundation you're helping to win the fight for every heartbeat. Your funds help to:
- find treatments that transform the lives of people with heart disease
- support over 1,000 pioneering research projects investigating all aspects of heart and circulatory disease
- support BHF Heart Nurses to support and care for people
British Heart Foundation were grateful for our support:
If you didn't take part this year, why not take part next year - check out the Wear It. Beat It. website: https://wearitbeatit.bhf.org.uk.