World Cancer Day - 4th February 2021
Posted in: Days to Remember 29th January 2021
World Cancer Day occurs every 4th February and is an initiative of the Union for International Cancer Control – the largest and oldest international cancer organisation, committed to taking the lead in reimagining a world where millions of preventable cancer deaths are saved and access to life-saving cancer treatment and care is equal for all.
Created in 2000, World Cancer Day has grown into a positive movement for everyone, everywhere to unite under one voice to face one of the greatest challenges in our history.
This year is a reminder of the enduring power of cooperation and collective action. When we choose to come together, we can achieve what we all wish for: a healthier, brighter world without cancer.
Join us this Thursday, 4th February to speak out and stand up for a world less burdened by cancer.
We’ve got some infographics about cancer awareness that are free to download from the 'Data Sheets' section of our downloads page and print for use around your premises, if you are able. This includes information for patients on looking out for cancer symptoms, as well as some social and economic facts and figures about the effects cancer has on the world as a whole.
We also stock a number of clinical and pharmaceutical products to assist with the daily battle against cancer. These include sharps bins, chemotherapy labels, drug denaturing kits and gloves.
To order call +44 (0)1785 250123 to speak to our friendly Customer Service team, or email